Recent Exhibitions:
NYC June 2017
The show explores normalization through both visual and sound mediums. A range of models are featured in portraits that celebrate feminine beauty that exists as a departure from the dominant western media narrative. Concurrently, music plays throughout the gallery by soprano, Alicia Waller, that intentionally uproots American musical hegemony by applying the classical voice outside of dominant American and European musical forms.
Normalization is a relatively new term to gain traction in the realm of academia and pop culture analysis, yet it is the thread that binds artists Shay Paresh and Alicia Waller’s work together. While normalization can be considered akin to concepts like diversification and inclusivity, the artists consider it to be an evolution of these essential values. They believe that normalization reaches beyond, as it not only accepts differences, but also demands recognition of them.
Red Part One - Mana Contemporary October 2018 | Video coming soon